Get the right support to those who need help the most

Local authorities need to help vulnerable households, yet the impacts of reforms are complex, confusing and change over time.

We help organisations understand the impact of welfare policy changes on individual households, now and in the future. Our Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) service combines local authority data with our powerful modelling engine to uncover insights.

The ability to drill-down from a local authority level to ward level, right down to individual households, helps strategic decision making and operational implementation.

Tracking the prospects of low income households over time leads to powerful predictive analysis. It will also reveal the impact of interventions over time.



Policy Impact Analysis

See the impact of reforms on each of your households

Learn how your low income households are each affected by reforms, and by how much, in a detailed report and dataset. Access data that shows the cumulative impact of reforms and levels of need, so you see a true picture of where to target your support resources.

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Policy Dashboard

Explore your data over time

Reveal the poverty trends across your low income households via a self service dashboard. Track the prospects of households and see which of your support activities are working best. Identify people in danger of crisis before it hits. Plan and forecast strategic and operational activity proactively to prevent hardship.

[vc_btn title=”Learn more” color=”warning” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpolicyinpractice.co.uk%2Fpolicy-dashboard%2F|||”]

Give visibility to those who need to know

Explain the complex picture of reforms to Cabinet and show Members who in their ward is affected by reforms. See the situation of households you rarely engage with.

Get rich data about each household

Understand the cumulative impact of current welfare reforms on individual families, and plan to mitigate how future reforms will hit them. Understand the barriers to work faced by each household.

Know how your local area is affected

Get aggregate analysis showing the impacts of reforms by household type, tenure and employment status. Inform your strategic planning armed with this knowledge.

Help people before they hit crisis

Target support to people who need it most now and uncover hidden pockets of poverty. Identify families who are struggling and who’ve never engaged with you before. Get recomendations for action from policy experts.


Croydon 550x200

“Working with Policy in Practice we’ve developed information that supports, informs and helps us monitor the effectiveness of our strategies. Without a proactive, preventative approach we fear for the longer term impact on residents.”

Mark Fowler, LB Croydon

Leeds CC 550x200

“I can’t see whether the people being clobbered by reductions in council tax support or under-occupation are the same people that have been clobbered by other reforms.”

Steve Carey, Leeds City Council

Birmingham CC-550x200

“We want to move beyond sticking plaster solutions. If we can promote work and independence by understanding who’s impacted by welfare reforms we’ll have more resources available for those who still need our support.”

Chris Gibbs, Birmingham City Council

Oxford CC-550x200

“We take partnership working very seriously and we only work with organisations who we genuinely feel can make a difference. Policy in Practice very much falls into this category.”

James Pickering, Oxford City Council

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