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Scope finds over £134,000 in support for over 80 households with disabilities using the Better off Calculator

Scope, a disabilities charity, is on a journey to end disabilities inequalities by supporting over 16 million disabled households with debt support and benefits advice.

In the last year alone, Scope has found £134,000 in unclaimed support for over 80 households. The average household received an additional £1,600 per year in support, bridging the gap in living standard for households with disabilities.


It costs an additional £975 a month for a disabled person to reach the same living standards as a non-disabled person.

Scope, a disabilities charity, is on a journey to end disabilities inequalities by supporting over 16 million disabled households with debt support and benefits advice.

They wanted to empower all disabled people looking for jobs to move into, stay in, and progress in employment. Disabled households often have complex and fluctuating circumstances. Helpline advisors work with each household to see the impact of claiming additional support on entitlement to other benefits.

Helpline advisors needed a quick and accurate tool to have these conversations about income maximisation and offer personalised plans of action. But other benefits entitlement checkers did not offer the high level of benefit coverage needed to signpost to the right support.


In 2021, Scope licensed the award-winning Better Off Calculator to improve the customer journey with outcome-focused benefits and budgeting advice that they can trust.

The calculator makes complex benefit rules simple by modelling over 4,000 pieces of legislation into one comprehensive form. Helpline advisors could fill this out on behalf of their clients and quickly see what benefits the household was eligible for.

The Better Off Calculator allows advisors to compare multiple scenarios for each household they were supporting. This empowered households to plan for the future with exact calculations of their benefits long term.

To navigate even the most complex cases, advisors utilised the calculator’s live chat function, to get instant access to Policy in Practice’s policy experts during the work week.


Over two years since using the Better Off Calculator, 40% of Scope referrals rely on it to guide their month to month budgeting and employment plans.

In the last year alone, Scope has found £134,000 in unclaimed support for over 80 households. The average household received an additional £1,600 per year in support, bridging the gap in living standard for households with disabilities.

Scope results

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