Reforming benefits and support to get Britain working: What the changes to sickness and disability benefits mean

Following the government’s latest announcement on sickness and disability benefits, we’ve outlined the key changes that could impact you.
These changes only apply to working age people. People of pension age won’t be affected. Some proposals are still under consultation, meaning decisions are yet to be finalised. Others have been confirmed but don’t yet have a set start date.
This blog focuses on the confirmed changes that will definitely take place.
To understand how these updates might affect you, we recommend using Policy in Practice’s Better Off Calculator, which will reflect changes as they come into effect. You can find services local to your area here AdviceLocal.
Changes from April 2026
Changes to Universal Credit (UC)
- For all new and existing claims, the UC standard allowance will increase by £7 per week (from £91 to £98)
- For all new claims, the UC LCWRA (Limited Capability for Work Related Activity) element will reduce by £47 per week (from £97 to £50), and will be frozen at this level until April 2029. However, people with “the most severe, life long health conditions” will receive an additional premium to protect their income. Further details on this premium are yet to be announced
- For existing claims, the UC LCWRA element will not reduce, but it will also be frozen at £97 per week until April 2029
- Anyone who receives LCWRA before April 2026 and continues to be entitled when reassessed will not see this payment cut
Changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
For all new claims and reassessments, the eligibility for the daily living component of PIP is becoming stricter. Currently, a score of 8 points in total across 10 different activities is required to receive the standard rate.
After this change, a minimum score of 4 points on at least one daily living activity as well as scoring a minimum of 8 points overall will be required. This means some people who currently receive PIP will not be eligible if they are reassessed after this date.
Changes in 2026 and beyond
Some of the announced changes don’t have a confirmed start date yet, but they are expected to take effect from April 2026 onwards.
- For claimants of UC, PIP or new style ESA (Employment and Support Allowance), trying work will not be considered a relevant change of circumstance that will lead to a review or reassessment. The government has said these changes will be made as soon as possible.
- From April 2028, the Work Capability Assessment for UC will be replaced, and the PIP assessment will be used instead.
- Although the Work Capability Assessment is being replaced in 2028, reassessments will resume (after being paused during COVID-19) and be carried out until then. No date has been announced for this yet.