Local authorities

Build their financial strength, reduce your cost

LIFT Mayor of London
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LIFT Mayor of London
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We help you to deliver efficient and impactful support

Your dedicated account manager is with you every step of the way to guide you to success

School dinners
Make efficient use of resources

Allocate scarce resources where they will have the most impact

Improve your customer experience

Empower your customers with powerful tools so you can dedicate resources to those who need more help

Use your data for good

Create data driven strategies to tackle poverty in your area

Our award winning Better Off platform

Better Off Calculator Low Income Family Tracker Multi Agency Safeguarding Tracker Policy analysis
Better Off Calculator features

Better Off Calculator

Better Off Calculator features
  • Better Off Score: See which of your customers are missing out

  • Better Off Indicator: Ask 8 easy questions to check eligibility

  • Better Off Calculator: Assess full eligibility and help people to claim

  • Better Off Apply: Create one click processes to increase applications

LIFT general

Low Income Family Tracker

LIFT general
  • Identify vulnerability: Filter on over 100 policies to see who’s hit hardest

  • Increase engagement: Focus outreach effort where most needed

  • Target support: Build the income of your residents

  • Track change: Let the data show the impact you’re achieving

MAST features

Multi Agency Safeguarding Tracker

MAST features
  • Link safeguarding data across councils and blue lights organisations

  • Get speedier lateral checks and co-ordinate prevention activity

  • Show social workers who else is involved with a person or address

  • Report on trends and impact using analytics

Policy analysis

Policy analysis

Policy analysis
  • Model your fairest Council Tax Support scheme using your data

  • We identified £23 billion of unclaimed support a year. Ask us about your area

  • Commission us to answer your social policy research questions with data

  • We helped the Welsh government model a new benefits system. Ask us how

After 2 years one local authority client saw

£13 million

money in the pocket of vulnerable residents


debt recovered for the council


return on investment for every £1 spent

What our clients say

Apply Once is designed to help Luton Council to consolidate our application, assessment and approval processes for discretionary funds. It makes the application process simpler and faster for our residents, ensure that the awards reach those most in need and provide additional support through income maximisation across the broadest range of benefits. Apply Once will also deliver greater customer insight, contributing to a better understanding and improved single view of the customer, enabling more informed decision making and policy development. Through maximising income to residents, we know there are also positive financial benefits for the Council including reductions in council owed debt and decreased demand for council services.
LIFT will allow us to reach residents of both working and pension age groups and ensure that those entitled to assistance are aware of the national support that is available and that it is fully utilised, including attendance allowance, council tax support and pension credits. In addition, and through our partnership work with local support organisations, we can also make sure that more holistic support can be provided.
The Financial inclusion team has used LIFT to identify households for support at different points and to target the interventions accordingly. Using LIFT we were able to apportion an element of the Household Support Fund to those experiencing or at risk of experiencing fuel poverty. We have used the software to simplify a number of complex data sets. This allowed us to target those who owe council tax but also have a disability so to ensure that we support with applications for relevant discounts.
Due to high workloads with the team and huge demand for our Your Money team, who offer FREE confidential advice to residents to maximise their incomes, we had to carefully select the cohorts to target, based on minimal impact to the teams. As such, we regularly target those groups to claim benefits such as Pension Credit or additional support through the WaterSure tariff. It’s excellent to see the result and the impact this is making to our residents and to the council services we provide.
These are fantastic results that show when we work collaboratively with a strong communications brief, some clear insights about our residents and appropriate methods of targeting with the right messages and support, we can make a massive difference.
Through this campaign, the Welfare Support Team has successfully helped vulnerable households in a vast number of ways from opening bank accounts, helping to reduce debt, accessing free travel and parking, further NHS prescriptions, free TV licences, assisting with utility bills and much, much more! We are extremely proud of the success of this campaign and the difference we have made to these Luton households. Over the next few years we hope to see an increase of income and support estimated at a value of £4.5 million for these households.
The average Discretionary Housing Payment award for 77 households was £2,500 with over £70,000 in additional supports identified for 44 households using the Better Off Calculator. Over £570,000 was collected in arrears with no new arrears six months later.

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