Software Releases

Better Off Calculator

Release date:

New features

Updates to PDF

  • Formatting in the ‘expenditure notes’ section of the budget now carries over to the PDF summary
  • The case summary PDF now shows total current and total potential income in line with the results page
  • Monthly budget breakdown in the PDF now shows both total, current and potential income and deficit/surplus figures

Multi factor authentication (MFA) using SMS

You can now set up MFA using your mobile number.

  • Previously you needed an authenticator app on a smartphone. Now you can choose your preferred method
  • Visit the welcome menu > set up multi factor authentication > choose your preferred option and follow the instructions


  • Child DLA now displays correctly in the ‘receiving’ column on the results page
  • Households where both members are students now have two disregards applied to student finance where appropriate
  • Accuracy improvements to transitional protection calculations for households with multiple severely disabled children
  • Improvements to calculations for pensioners receiving tax credits who are undergoing managed migration
  • Full accuracy review of all additional support alerts to ensure they’re up to date
  • The capital disregard for managed migration cases now applies correctly


  • The link to eligibility criteria for Working Tax Credits disability element has been updated
  • We’ve made fixes to the PDF download including an issue some users experienced with blank PDFs
  • We’ve fixed typos and made other minor corrections to several ‘Find out more’ tooltips
  • The earnings information in the Carers Allowance ‘Find out more’ tooltip has been updated
  • There are improvements to the results page for pension age clients, including Pension Credit currently received now feeds correctly into the total benefits received value
  • Enhanced disability premium is now included alongside severe disability premium for transitional protection
  • Accuracy fixes for the ‘receiving’ and ‘eligible’ columns on the results page
  • The total current income figure on the results page no longer changes when switching between legacy and universal credit results. It stays with whatever system and income you are on

Upcoming fixes and features

  • Standard Financial Statement : We’re bringing the ability to generate a Standard Financial Statement from the details entered into the calculator. Please speak to your account manager if you are interested in this feature
  • Reporting: Fixes to impact statistics, improvements to usability and faster calculation speed of the impact report

New Features

  • The results page now clearly highlights your current income vs. your total potential income and the amount you are missing out on

  • Bringing our reporting features in line with the more detailed results page, we’ve added a breakdown of total current income, total eligible income and total unclaimed income to the record downloads. The PDF output also breaks income down into eligible, receiving and unclaimed benefits
  • Updated permissions for archiving saved cases. Advisers can now only archive their own cases and managers and admins can archive all cases
  • Ahead of the latest phase of managed migration, the Better Off Calculator has been updated to calculate Universal Credit and transitional protection entitlement for pension age tax credit claimants

  • You can now choose to overwrite details of existing users when you bulk upload new users via a CSV. Previously the function would skip over existing uses (unless they were deactivated)


  • Budget page in the PDF is back as part of the standard PDF output
  • Typed text to search for the benefit you’re receiving no longer lingers when you select the benefit and then want to start typing the next different one
  • Significant accessibility improvements, including:
    – ‘Need help’ and graph components for high contrast modes
    – Radio buttons functionality when using large fonts
    – Adjust your earnings section in negative contrast mode
    – Improvements for screen readers around specific questions
  • SDP transitional protection breakdown is moved from the results page to the health and caring section of the calculator to help users enter their details correctly

Upcoming Features

  • Pension Credit being received will feed into the total benefits received value
  • Enhanced Disability Premium will be included alongside Severe Disability Premium for transitional protection
  • Mixed age couple and pension credit eligibility fixes

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